
AKCSyNRG’s Up On The Reuf Top
Gender Boy
Photo Gallery
How I Was Named Dasher was born during the 12 Days of Christmas.

Inspired by his predecessor, Comet… who shared
the familiar name of a Reindeer… and given
my love for ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas’
and childhood versions of ‘Up on the Rooftop’ with

“Up on the rooftop – click, click, click
Down thru the chimney with Good Saint Nick”

In honor of the sweet brother he joined in this
family, some spelling liberties were taken with
his registered name:

SyNRG’s Up On The Reuf Top
My Intro
BlogRaising The Reuf
Occupation Athlete
Male Model
Backup Leader
Architect Co-Worker
Dad/Brother [BroDaddy]
InterestsWork and Train x Infinity
Bumpers x Infinity
Tug x Infinity
Let’s Do Something!
Outdoor Investigations
The Bird (favorite stuffy)
Treats & Food
Down Time with Mom
Down Time with BroSon Buzz
TV Sitcoms
Posing for Photos
Favorite Training
Fronts & Finishes
Bumper Retrieves
Command DiscriminationWi
TraitsSuper Cute to Very Handsome
Biddable +
Loves to Work and Train
Extremely Clever
Hilarious Sense of Humor
Mom’s Shadow
Toys & Bumpers
Pleasing The Trainer (and Himself)
UniqueTreat Spot on Tongue
Pro Photo Model
Watches TV like He Knows What’s Going On
StoryKnowing that I was interested in starting a puppy on a competitive training tract, my Instructor gave me a tip and contact information for the breeder
of a super talented litter.

I called her and interviewed for the opportunity to steward one of these great puppies. She shared the pedigree, and I was stunned! It was a litter of 11, and there were
only 2 potentially available. When the breeder agreed… I quickly put that deposit check in the mail!

I soon found out that all but three pups had been pre-placed. Out of the three, I fell pretty hard for one, but realized that the breeder would make the selection for me, so I stayed open…

When the day came, and I met the pups for the first time (the night before the puppy test)… the awesome breeder informed me that I was getting the puppy I loved so much!!!

LIME PIE!!! I would have chosen him if all 11 had been available! My heart filled a thousand-fold.
Back StoryAs Team Reufus advanced through levels and titles, it became very apparent to me that while Reuf found fulfillment in training skills and tricks, he was feeling more and more pressure in the ring.

It’s so hard to surrender your vision in that moment, but I accepted the fact that my Sweet Boy had reached his limit..

I vowed to never ever stop training him, because the pride he exhibited when performing tricks in low pressure environments filled both our hearts… His joy was SO infectious in those moments, and I
will treasure all of our precious memories.

I still had goals and dreams but realized that those required a more confident personality with stronger drive.

The Instructor who tipped me off to the litter was well familiar with the amazing Daddy Mojo (local to our area) and awesome Mama Trance, both super Agility competitors… and I was SOLD!!!

Just to add backup that I SO didn’t need or deserve…

I had long followed a World Champion Dog Trainer
and breeder of Golden Retrievers. I had watched
video after video, over and over.

I had also been told stories of a Golden, named Thriller, who was awesome… and everyone in the Golden sport world spoke of his breeder, as well.

When Lime Pie’s pedigree was revealed to me… each of my Fan Girl Bloodlines was represented as grandparents!

Lime Pie
Pie Daddy
Sweet Boy
Numero Uno
Number One
Favorite TV Everybody Loves Raymond
Last Man Standing
Abbott Elementary
Texas A&M Sports
Favorite MusicBruno Mars
D-O-Double G
Favorite Books